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News Update
Long time no see,we miss you so much.

After the Spring Festival,

The second semester of 2022 is here.

Finally, it's time to reunite with our online friends.

Singing hearts was ready to open up and welcome you home


The rehearsal room was filled with noise again.

When old friends met, they laughed and played.

There were so many things to talk about!

creative department

The little kids in the creative department were adorable.

They were completely enamored with the music. 

They look more serious and cute than themselves in front of the camera!


musical department

The older kids in the musical department were all dressed in black.

They were energetic and dashing as ever.

They were even more engaged and passionate when the camera was rolling!


This semester, various performances are in full swing.

Looking forward to the children's wonderful performances!

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